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How To Drive Yourself On Crafting Your Own Unique Raffle Tickets?

In the case of funding fundraising events, the sale of raffle tickets is extremely popular. If you’re planning to host another event, then, of course, organising the raffle is essential.

In terms of the tickets, you have two options: buy tickets that have already been printed or design your tickets to be printed by you. If you’re able to do it, then making your raffle tickets yourself and making arrangements printing services for raffle tickets to create them is a good idea.

Not only will you be able to make something exclusive to your event, but it is also more likely to attract buyers who are more inclined to purchase the tickets.

How Do You Design Your Raffle Tickets for Events?

The first thing to realise is that you need to be a specialist to create your raffle tickets. Nowadays, there are a lot of online tools to make use of to create what you’d like. But, there are some aspects you must be aware of to ensure that you are creating something truly unique and unforgettable.

Below are some suggestions to aid you in your journey to creating these Raffle ticket printing, which you then can make arrangements for local printers of raffle tickets to print for you.


What information you would like to include in your ticket will obviously affect how big the ticket is printed. In general, most raffle tickets will come in any of these sizes.

The Raffle tickets with Stubs are 5.64″ in size 1.96″. They are accompanied by an attached stub and can be measured to 1.876″.

Stub fewer Tickets are usually 5.7″ in size and 2.127″, which is the standard size that most print companies can produce for raffle tickets.

Choose the option with no stubs if you plan to sell custom raffle tickets before the event starts, and you sell the standard tickets with stubs once the event takes place.

Landscape Or Portrait

As you begin to put the information you wish to include on your personalised raffle tickets, you will then be able to decide if they should be landscape or portrait format. There are a few points to think about that can aid you in determining if your raffle tickets are portrait or landscape.

If you don’t have the most details on the tickets, choose photographs. If you plan to include lots of information on them, which takes 5-12 lines, you must decide on yours in the landscape.

Are you thinking of adding a logo to them? The details you would like to share with people about the raffle tickets online? About? It will also decide if the raffle tickets will be printed in portrait or landscape format.

What Text Should You Include?

The content you put in your raffle tickets UK is as essential as how they look. They must make an impression when viewed, and the following points should assist you.

The most crucial details on your tickets are most apparent. Make sure to put the name of the event and the reason for it in large type and where it can be noticed on the raffle tickets.

  • It’s a good idea to select a font and colour that creates an interesting sharp contrast with the background and  the message.
  • There should be some space left on the ticket since this helps bring the balance and make them appear more attractive.
  • Make sure to leave space for your information, mainly when you’re designing tickets for users to note their contact details on them to help you.

Make Use Of Custom Ticket Printing For Seamless Brand Integration!

Are you planning an event and required raffle tickets to print? Although these are tiny pieces of printed paper, they can have a massive impact on people’s minds. In the end, a poor or unprofessionally created ticket sends an impression that your event isn’t worth it also, which isn’t the impression you’re trying to make!

To avoid making a negative impression, purchasing an individual ticket printing is ideal. What can this help you? To help you understand the numerous benefits and advantages of this method, Let’s look at this issue in greater detail below.

It is essential to establish seamless brand integration. Your product is usually one of the primary pieces of material for marketing that customer’s view. So, your printable raffle tickets must stand apart from the rest by having a distinct visual appeal! What can you do to accomplish this achievement?

Your colour selection is essential, and this should be consistent with the specific event you are attending. For instance, when planning a heavy metal concert, bright colours such as dark black and brilliant red letters are suitable.

There is also the option of having flames on at the top of each of your raffle ticket books to emphasise the intense character of the concert!

What is a Shelf Talker?

Retailers will always request shelf talkers. But precisely what is a shelf talker? Shelf Talkers are Shelf Talkers can be described as a distinct printed sign attached to the shelf of a store.

The shelf talker is different since it usually comes with an adhesive, die-cut clip, or sticks it on the shelf. A few shelf talks are just printed rectangles requiring the retailer to use hardware or tape to attach them to shelves.

Although they are suitable in certain circumstances, they’re not very user-friendly for retail stores and aren’t always the most effective option. Shelf edge strips are identified by the way they fix them to the shelves. They have an essential task to complete.

Shelf Talkers serve as the spokespersons of your brand on shelves of retail stores, and they attract customers’ attention and interest. A shelf talker that effectively moves your item from the stands, the cart, and finally to the cash register!

There Are A Variety Of Styles Of Shelf Talkers.

It’s sticky Shelf Talkers – As their name suggests, these shelf strip feature peel adhesive on the back. Therefore, retailers can peel them off and stick them to any surface or shelf.

Piece Storage Wobblers: These innovatively designed signs are cut into a specific shape that permits them to snap directly into the price rail. They typically also come with tape as a shelf they won’t attach to.

Two-piece shelf wobblers: The printed rectangles come with an elastic strip of plastic with tape at both ends, allowing retailers to adhere them on the shelf. They’re not as easy as the one-piece; however, they’re certainly a well-liked option.

Padded Shelf Talkers – This invention was conceived and launched first in print. It is a sticky shelf talker with pads attached, and this is an excellent system to distribute coupon codes and recipe ideas.

Simple Shelf Talkers: Simple shelf strips retail are the most basic of the printed rectangles mentioned in the previous paragraph. It is very affordable; however, it is not as user-friendly as other shelf talkers.

Snap-In Aisle Flags: double-sided flags come with a clip that snaps onto the price rail. They are affixed to the shelves and are visible from a distance down the aisle, drawing shoppers in to discover the details about your item.

Sticky Aisle Flags: Like their snap-in counterparts, they have a clip made of plastic and are placed perpendicularly from the shelf. The main difference is that the flag is equipped with a peel-and-stick adhesive.

Padded Aisle Flags – A striking and unique combination of the aisle flag and shelf talker. The signs printed on cardboard come with a pad on both sides, and they hang perpendicular to the shelving.

Custom shelf talkers: Our customers have displayed incredible creativity when creating customised shelf talks, and some are cut with dies to create an exciting shape that draws shoppers’ attention!


With the tips we’ve given above for making your raffle tickets and shelf edge strips, you’ll find the whole process more straightforward. In addition, making sure that your raffle ticket printing is completed promptly will be a lot simpler.


Ravi Patel

As the marketing head at VC Print, Ravi Patel has a reputed name in the industry. He consistently contributes his valuable knowledge to the top blogging sites.

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