Over the decades, the automotive industry has grown exponentially, as people seem to depend increasingly on automobiles to commute to work and for leisurely travel. Moreover, drastic lifestyle changes and the convenient private transport offers are the significant factors in people deciding to own a vehicle. Every year, the number of vehicles hitting the road increases manifold. Also, people nowadays are immersed in their lives and do not have time to spare for cleaning their vehicles. They would rather pay to have their vehicles cleaned than by cleaning the vehicle by themselves.
Over the years, car washing has become much more than merely cleaning the vehicles. It now includes deep cleaning the vehicles, coating, rebuilding, and much more. The car washing enterprise has become lucrative as it promises high investment returns. Once the enterprise establishes. Moreover, car washing has grown to be an allied industry of the automobile industry.
Let’s take a step-by-step approach to establish a car wash business.
1. Location
The car wash location is vital because easy access to your business is critical. A state-of-the-art and customer-centric business can not thrive as a business if it stays hidden. Easy access is essential for the business to thrive. Either side of the highway is ideal because highways are always busy. The highways are perfect when the vehicles have to slow down, for instance, at a traffic intersection or a stop sign. You can put up a large signboard to attract potential customers. Therefore, choose a strategic location that is easily accessible. Ensure that there’s enough space to park the vehicles, which can positively contribute to the growth of the business.
2. Research the competition
You have to research the competition in the area where you have planned to establish the business. For instance, how many customers they receive a day, their marketing strategy or do they plan to upgrade their facility, and their rates. Such research is rudimentary. You also have to be aware of whether your competition is debt-free. Should you lower the charges for the services if they can outbid. Or do the customers frequent or be loyal? If you happened to have a competition that could outmatch you would hurt your business. So do thorough research on the competition in the area.
3. Visit as many car washes as possible
Visiting as many car washes as possible is beneficial to your business. If you have been out of touch in the business, you could freshen and get back in touch. Visit automatic car washes, partially automated expenses, marketing, and what works for them and not. Doing so would be a learning experience. When you start the business, you can apply the knowledge gathered in your business. You can also try to learn how your competition offers services, handles grievances, etc.
4. Plan your moves
Before starting the business, you have to devise a plan to achieve short-term and long-term goals. You have to lay out the plan thoroughly. If needed, you can seek professional help to draft a business plan. A thorough and well-researched business plan can impress the investors and the banks. Explain in detail the costs, long-time revenue management, and marketing strategies.
5. Market your enterprise
You have to run effective marketing campaigns to market your enterprise even before your business officially opens doors to the customers. You can not expect customers to pour into your enterprise without marketing. You have to plan a pre-launch marketing campaign to make a buss about the business. You can advertise your business in print, TV, local radio, social media, and so on. In doing so, the people become aware of your services. When you finally open the doors to the customers, they’ll be waiting at the doorstep. Run effective marketing campaigns.
6. Door-to-door or car wash center
There are two sorts of car washing services, i.e., door-to-door car wash and a car washing center. A door-to-door car watch service is scheduling an appointment with your customers, then going to their residence or where the vehicle is. You clean the vehicle. In short, it is onsite car washing. A door-to-door car wash does not require a serious investment. You can handle the appointment yourself and later hire the help. By doing so, you can earn a reputation for your business.
A car wash is where customers come to have their cars cleaned. You try to establish the business in a popular location, and customers come to the location for the services. That requires serious investment. As a business owner, you have to decide on the services you want to offer.
Picktime is a user-friendly appointment scheduling software ideal for the car washing enterprise. You can easily schedule appointments with your customers and organize them for the day, week, and month. You can make changes anytime you want and even on the go. You can send reminders over email or by SMS. So you can avoid no-shows—link payment gateways to accept partial or complete payments for the scheduled appointment. That would help to improve business. Moreover, the software makes 24/7 booking easy.
In conclusion, following those mentioned above would be beneficial to establish the car wash business from the ground up and make your business a grand success.