Why is Coaching better than Self Preparation for IELTS Test?

Why Coaching Better than Self Preparation?
Knowing English alone will not help you pass your IELTS exam. Here why is coaching better than self preparation for IELTS test you should know before deciding prepare for IELTS. While both have their own added benefits, weighing the pros and cons would tip the scales towards online coaching.
When you decide to prepare for exams like the GMAT or IELTS, you will need to consider whether you want to do the preparation on your own or if you want to take coaching courses specifically for these exams. While you’re in this dilemma, remember that your journey will depend on your personality. Whether you thrive among people or just study in peace will all count in the final decision.
Here we have arranged some benefits of coaching courses and self-study. Go through them and decide for yourself which one sounds the best.
Preparation for IELTS Test
It is a fact.
And this is also the main reason why coaching is better than self-study for IELTS exam and is still highly chosen by aspirants to this day.
Challenges Faced By an IELTS Test Taker
Let Us Clarify This by Addressing The Challenges Faced By an IELTS Test Taker.
Suppose you already have the advantage of having received your formal education in an English-speaking school or are a native English speaker. Otherwise, you would need IELTS coaching to pass the exam because you barely know the basics of the language.
So, back to the challenges; we will tackle them one by one.
The desire to “relax” a bit because you “have another month to prepare” is too tempting a trap to keep most of us from constantly putting off our plans, our work, and our resolutions and so on. We have so many things and devices around us to get away from boredom and do the things we should be.
A tiring and boring task like preparing for the exam is postponed by an interesting Netflix series or movie on an attractive platform. So by the time you realize it, you only have 5 days to prepare.
“Knock when the rod is hot.” is a phrase to remember throughout.
“Self-learning” requires dedication and it has to come from within. If you can’t curb your urge to procrastinate “a little more”, self-study can end up affecting your self-confidence and the ensuing nervousness will directly affect your IELTS band score.
Coaching only takes an hour and you regularly give this time to your tutor. This time spent with an expert tutor will certainly help you get the group you desire.
Lack of Accountability
When there is a monetary value attached to something, you are compelled to consider it seriously either by yourself or by others who push you to use it (mainly parents).
While confidence in your ability to learn can take the seriousness the exam requires, it also robs you of your IELTS money as you end up getting less than you need and having to retake the exam.
With an additional expense of a thousand dollars, you become responsible not only for taking the exam, but also for the classes you need to attend.
So, unlike self-preparation, coaching shapes you for your IELTS exam from day one.
Use of Time
If IELTS isn’t the only thing in your bucket, you would have multiple tasks in your daily life.
Self-study or self-teaching gives you the ease and therefore the flexibility to do it later.
Too Many Cooks
YouTube is what most of us would initially resort to when preparing for the IELTS exam for information or at most articles, blogs and PDFs.
The problem here is that you only get bits and pieces of information, mostly what you think you need, and there are too many people talking to you about the same thing in different ways.
If so, who would you hold responsible if you were to lose groups due to misdirection or guesswork? Nobody.
On the other hand, in coaching, the tutor is the main (and above all the only) source of information, the one who solves all your questions and responsible for the groups you receive if you have worked there with dedication.
Tips and Tricks for IELTS Preparation
Yes, there are many tips and tricks for your IELTS preparation. But these are just things to help you overcome your weaknesses without having to do it by closing your eyes.
Preparation for IELTS is most effective when you follow the “TPT” method, i.e. the Test Practice Test method.
Above all, you give tests to know where you are. It helps you comprehend your weaknesses and strengths. Based on this, your tutor will provide you with advice to overcome your weaknesses and tips for perfecting and refining your skills.
This helps you (the next step) practice more accurately each time you go.
Where do you get these benefits from? Of course, through coaching.
So coaching helps you measure yourself through the learning process while helping you use tips and tricks specific to your potential.
Money matters. Reassessment of an IELTS test costs more than Rs 11,000 and reappearance costs the same amount as the original amount, i.e. around Rs. 15,000.
Why spend 30,000 to 45,000 to get the band score you want when you can get it in one attempt by paying an extra thousand or two?
An online coaching option like IELTS Tutorials has a reputation for helping students pass their exam on their first attempt, saving them from spending more money and effort again, study abroad consultants will not recommend to do that.
Always trust tested methods as long as they work flawlessly.
Coaching for IELTS is available in two ways, namely conventional classroom coaching and modern online coaching. While both have their own added benefits, weighing the pros and cons would tip the scales towards online coaching.
Now that you understand the challenges you might face if you want to study on your own, I believe you will be able to make the right choice for yourself. So, if you choose to join IELTS coaching then opt for the best IELTS coaching in Lucknow, this city has so many options with quality service.
All the Best with your IELTS exam and preparation.